Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Frustrating Religious Debate

I managed to get myself in a frustrating debate again. This time, though, the frustration wasn't because the other person was lacking in intelligence. In fact, this person seemed quite intelligence. The problem seemed to be because the other person had a fundamental misunderstanding of how to logically back up an argument.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Holy 50th Anniversary, Batman! The Batman TV Series Turns 50!

Usually, references to the 60s Batman TV show in a headline make me cringe, but I'm making an exception for tonight is the 50th anniversary of the Batman TV show. Now, I never watched it when it first aired, as I wasn't born until a few months after it went off the air, but I was fortunately able to see reruns of it off and on through the 70s.

Monday, December 14, 2015

The DC Comics TV Universe

Currently, there are a number of TV shows based on DC Comics properties that are within a shared universe. What this means is that the events in these shows happen in the same world. Characters from one can appear in another and events in one can affect events in the others.

Monday, December 7, 2015

On arguing with those with limited intelligence

I find that one of the most frustrating experiences is trying to argue with someone that is stupid. And by stupid, I don't dealing someone that whose education isn't up to normal standards, such as attempting to correct someone's poor grammar on Facebook. Nor do I mean debating with a person whose subjective opinions don't match my own. What I mean is the soul-crushing experience of arguing with someone who is wrong about a simple fact that is widely accepted, scientifically proven, and blatantly obvious. You may think that I'm about to start talking about the Anti-vaccination movement, but I'm not going to tackle something that big. Instead, I'm going to look at a smaller argument I had with a stranger on Facebook, and why I finally had to eventually give up and let him keep being wrong.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Starting Over

I have decided to resurrect my long neglected blog, but start over. I only had a few posts with nothing particularly interesting in them, so I deleted them all to give it a fresh start. Hopefully this time around, I will be better at keeping up the blog up.

To start with, my blog will consist of posts of whatever subject strikes my fancy, likely video games, movies, comics, TV shows, or books that I like. However, I might digress into philosophy, technology, politics, religion, or even that most contentious of subjects, grammar.

So if you're interested, feel free to read or not as you please. I invite any feedback, positive or negative, but I hope the negative feedback is more than just "you suck" or "you're wrong". I don't want to censor comments, but I reserve the right to delete spam or abusive posts.

So, until next time, I bid you adieu.