Saturday, December 5, 2015

Starting Over

I have decided to resurrect my long neglected blog, but start over. I only had a few posts with nothing particularly interesting in them, so I deleted them all to give it a fresh start. Hopefully this time around, I will be better at keeping up the blog up.

To start with, my blog will consist of posts of whatever subject strikes my fancy, likely video games, movies, comics, TV shows, or books that I like. However, I might digress into philosophy, technology, politics, religion, or even that most contentious of subjects, grammar.

So if you're interested, feel free to read or not as you please. I invite any feedback, positive or negative, but I hope the negative feedback is more than just "you suck" or "you're wrong". I don't want to censor comments, but I reserve the right to delete spam or abusive posts.

So, until next time, I bid you adieu.

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